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Learn how to register .NA Namibian domains and say "Aweh!" with the locals!
December 11, 2023 09:46 am
980 79

The .NA extension is a Country code top-level domain name assigned for Namibia. It is currently administered by the Namibian Network Information Center ("NA-NIC"). The most commonly registered domain is the domain. Other alternate extensions include .CO.NA and .NA extensions..

Who can register domain names in Namibia?

The Namibian .NA domain name space is open to anyone to register. However, higher registration fees apply for international applicants, except where they can provide a local business operating address.

What domain name extensions are allowed in Namibia?

  • .na - Intended for businesses or individuals
  • - Intended for businesses or individuals
  • - Intended for non-profit organisations
  • - Intended for educational institutions
  • - Reserved for government use

What is the minimum registration period for a .NA domain name?

Domain names in Namibia, such as .COM.NA and .CO.NA and .NA are renewed on an annual basis. The minimum registration period is 1 (one) year.

How long does it take to register a domain in Namibia

Domain name registrations may be delayed by up to approximately 1-3 days, due to manual processes being followed by NA-NIC.

How to I transfer a .NA domain name?

It is possible to transfer namibian domains between different providers. You need to request an EPP code from your current provider and ask them to unlock the domain. Then submit a domain transfer request online at You will then need to enter your EPP code after which the system will transfer the domain name. You will remain the owner of the domain after the transfer is comopleted.

Why should I register a domain name in Namibia?

The country of Namibia boasts a population of about 2.53 million, according to the World Bank in 2021. Furthermore, Namibia has an attractive internet penetration rate at 51.0 percent of the total population at the start of 2022. This is according to a report released by Digital Reportal in early February 2022. On the other hand, early findings revealed that e-commerce in Namibia is at an "emerging state". Only about 3% of the population use online shopping, however, trends are promising. The highest digital revenue was generated in 2020, and e-commerce revenue is anticipated to grow at approximately 16% per annum.

Does having a local .NA domain name increase my search engine ranking?

According to Web Central, Country Code Top Level Domains (ccTLDs) (such as the or other namibian domain names) provide an extra layer of information to the search engine that helps it sort through the web to provide relevant results to the searcher. A ccTLD helps search engines understand your site and audience by geo-location. Thus, tt may increase your rankings. However, according to, Google's Senior Search Analyst, John Mueller, said that a local domain is not required.

“No, it’s not required. In general, if you want to use geotargeting there, there are two ways to do that. One is to use the country level top-level domain, which would dot DE for Germany in that case. The other is to use a generic top-level domain and to use a geotargeting setting in search console. So that could be, for example, a dot Com website or dot Net or dot Info or dot EU or whatever. Any of those would also work and then you just set geotargeting for Germany.”

John Mueller, Google Inc.

Is there a .NA domain naming format or restrictions?

Certain restrictions do apply as set out below:

Naming Requirement Format
Minimum Length 3 Characters
Maximum length 63 characters
Numbers Not allowed
Hyphen Permitted (middle only)
IDN Not supported

How much do Namibian domain names cost?

Namibian domain names cost anywhere between N$ 750 to N$ 5500 per annum. Herewith the price comparison of different Namibian TLD's as at date of publication:

Domain Name Extension Annual Fee N$799 N$1200 N$849
.na N$5499 N$999
Log into your plitoX customer dashboard to view the latest pricing on Namibian domains. *Credits: Image by jcomp and on Freepik